
Your complete guide to all vegetarian food in Malaysia!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Share with Us! 与咱们一起分享

This blog is created to help you to easily find a vegetarian food in the town especially when we are travelling to some places. So, I wish this Vegetarian Restaurant Directory can be more complete and always up to date. To promote and share this information depends on myself is limited, so I hope you can support and help me as well. I wish this information can solve most of vegetarian during search a vegetarian food, and share the delicious vegetarian foods to everybody.

Please kindly share with us, if you found
1) those vegetarian restaurant or food stall which is not listed yet.
2) those vegetarian restaurant or food stall which is closed and no more business.
3) those information is wrong or not complete.

You can
Option 1: Direct write a comment on the web page
Option 2: Email to vegetarianpassion@gmail.com
Option 3: SMS to +6012-2651208 with below information (as much as possible).

1. Restaurant Name (English & Chinese if available)
2. Address
3. Area Description (If can provide details)
4. Contact Number (Telephone, Fax or Mobile Phone)
5. Business Hour
6. Rest day
7. Food Recommendation

If you want received always update information about this directory , please register to become Follower by click the "Follow" button at right bottom of this web page.

Thank you very much!

此部落格的成立主要是方便大家能容易地找到素食好去处,尤其是当我们出远门时。所以我希望此大马素食好去处能提供大家最完整和最新动态素食美食资讯。当然此推广素食的任务靠个人能力是非常有限,然而结合大家的力量,我相信可以很容易把素食资讯散播到每一角落,更帮助许多人解决在吃素上的烦恼, 同时也能让更多人对现代素食有所改观,原来素食馆无处不在,而且还有如此多的美食选择。

1. 有关素食馆/素食档尚未列入。
2. 有关素食馆/素食档已经没营业了或搬迁了。
3. 有关资料错误或不够完整。

(二)寄到 vegetarianpassion@gmail.com
(三)sms至 +6012-2651208

1, 店名(中英文)
2, 地址
3, 地区描述
4, 联络号码(电话,传真或手提电话)
5, 营业时间
6, 休息日
7, 特别推荐美食(中英文)

如果您希望收到随时更新有关素食美食资讯的信息,请注册成为跟随者. 您只要通过点击在本网页右下角的“Follow”按键。



  1. I help you to publicize your blog in the "Malaysian Vegetarian" Facebook Group.


  2. 欣欣素料理坊 Aily Vegie Kitchen

    地址 :9G, Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6,
    Pandan Indah,
    55100 Kuala Lumpur.
    Tel : 03-42971208 ; 016-6686208
    最喜欢它家的招牌槟城虾面和西餐,nasi lemak, 鸡饭,蜜汁叉烧饭~ 最特别的就是它家的日本料理, 有寿司跟tempura~ 听说老板夫妇两是虔诚的素食者,以前曾在日本留学过~所以日本餐一流~ 欣欣素食料理坊,在吉隆坡pandan indah 那一带~ 有机会一定要去吃看看~很难得吃到的素食料理~

  3. This is nice blog!! i just found this blog at cari.com.my!!!

    Thank you very much for sharing to us!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Taiping, Perak
      店名(中英文)Jia Yi Dao / 家一道
      2, 地址:9 Jalan Lim Swee Ann, Taiping,Perak
      3, 地区描述 (near to Lakeview 太平湖)
      4, 联络号码(电话,传真或手提电话)05-805-9999
      5, 营业时间 9am - 9pm
      6, 休息日 :每逢星期二
      7, 特别推荐美食(中英文)自由餐[菜色多样化,价钱公道]及煮炒

      Su Hean Vegetarian 素香斋菜馆
      馬來西亞No.36-38, Jalan Tupai,
      34000 Taiping, Perak
      (Near to 永安 Shopping)
      Open: 10 - 9pm / 公休日:無

      分類: 小吃, 簡餐, 自助餐, 咖哩, 粥品, 果汁/奶茶/咖啡, 麵/米粉, 合菜, 中菜館,
